Jason Aycoth Criminal Lawyer | DUI | Traffic Tickets | Car Accidents

Practice Areas

Impaired Driving

Impaired driving effects people from every walk of life. DUI and DWI charges are far more common than you think, and our Top Rated DUI Lawyers in Greensboro, NC, have helped countless clients through the years with their Impaired Driving cases.

Assault Charges

Assault Charges can range from a fight or Simple Affray charge all the way to Murder. Our Assault Lawyers are constantly working on Assault with a Deadly Weapon charges and cases involving violent criminal activity.

Domestic Violence

In North Carolina, a crime is considered domestic if it involves violence against someone you are or were in a relationship with or a family member. Domestic Violence cases can lead to a 24 - 48 hour hold in custody & often are coupled with a Domestic Violence Protective Order or 50B.

Drug Charges

Drug charges range from Possession of Marijuana, to Possession with Intent to Sale Drug to Drug Trafficking. Our Top Rated Drug Lawyers in Greensboro, NC have handled every type of Drug Case one can imagine. We work to suppress stops, searches & seizures. Learn more here.

Theft Crimes

Whether it's being caught Shoplifting in a store, or going past the last point of sale and being charged with Larceny. Our Larceny Lawyers are here to help you. We also handle Obtaining Property by False Pretenses, Embezzlement, Larceny by Employee, Identity Theft & a host of other Theft Crimes.

Traffic Tickets

Whether it's a simple Speeding Ticket, Driving While License Revoked or a Reckless Driving Charge, we're here for you. We also help with Driver's License Restoration, DMV Hearings, and then felony traffic cases such as, Fleeing to Elude Arrest, Hit and Run and Death by Motor Vehicle.

Gun Charges

Guilford County is cracking down on gun charges, including Concealed Gun, Firearm by Felon, Stolen Firearm and is focused on reducing the number of firearms in Greensboro. This being said, our Top Rated Gun Lawyers are here to help you with your Gun Charges. Regardless of whether you're charged with Possessing a Gun or Discharging it, we're here for you.

Traffic Tickets

Traffic Tickets are common just about wherever you go, but the way our Top Rated Traffic Ticket Lawyers handle your case could mean the difference between paying for license and insurance points and not. We help clients Speeding Tickets, Driving While License Revoked, Registration & Insurance Tickets and so much more.

Car Accidents

Our law firm is focused on helping our Auto Accident clients get the recovery they deserve. We do everything we can to help maximize your recovery and give you the opportunity at recovering from your personal injuries without having to worry about whether the insurance is going to compensate you for what's happened to you.

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